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Wadi Rum Specialty Jeep and Hiking Tours


If you didn't find something for you in our classic jeep, hiking, and camel tours, check out our specialty trips that focus on a specific area or geologic feature! 

Wadi Rum Rock Bridges Tour

This tour will take you to visit all the rock bridges possible in one day! We will go to Little Bridge, climb Jebel Burdah Rock Bridge, Bindas Bridge, Um Fourth Rock Bridge and Red Bridge in the White Desert. It will begin around 9am and finish around 5pm.


Total Distance Covered 39.5 km


Route of Rock Bridge Tour, method of travel for each section and distance of each section.

Section 1: Rum Village office to Little Bridge: jeep 6.3 km

Section 2: Little Bridge: walk 500m

Section 3: Little Bridge to Jebel Burdah: jeep 6.9 km

Section 4: Burdah Rock Bridge mountain path: hiking 2.0 km

Section 5: Jebel Burdah to Bindas Bridge: Jeep 3.0 km

Section 6: Bindas bridge: walk 200m

Section 7: Bindas Bridge to Um Fourth Rock Bridge: Jeep 1.8 km

Section 8: Um Fourth Rock Bridge: Climb 100m

Section 9: Um Fourth Rock Bridge to Red Bridge: 7.9 km

Section 10: Red Bridge: walk 500m

Section 11: Red Bridge to Official Bedouin Camp: 3.1 km

Section 12: Official Bedouin Camp to Rum Village office: 10.4 km


Elevation starting height 1315m

Minimum elevation of Rock Bridge Tour 977m

Maximum elevation of Rock Bridge Tour 1365m

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Little Bridge

Distance 500m Elevation 1033m

Location 36 R 0736782 UTM 3268116


Little Bridge Description: Our jeep will drive you to the doorstep of this rock bridge. You will need to walk in the sand for a few metres then climb up about 20metres, the climb is basic and can be done in flip flops or walking shoes and is not slippery. Once at the same height as the bridge you need to walk a further 100m to be standing on top of the little bridge. In this area the wind could be blowing and makes for some fun photos if you are wearing a scarf, have long hair or wearing the Bedouin style head gear. Many of our tourists find this bridge to be opportunity to take a photo jumping on the bridge and be captured in the air.

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Burdah Rock Bridge

Distance 2.0 km Elevation 1094m to 1109m

Location 36 R 0742117 UTM 3263680


Burdah Rock Bridge Description: The walk up to Burdah rock bridge is with moderate difficulty. Its not easy and not hard and can be done by people of all fitness levels with help from our guides in several sections. This walk needs the correct footwear as you are climbing up in several sections. In three areas you will need to hold onto a rope that is connected to the sandstone mountain. In Jebel Burdah there are several species of plants growing that are used for different medicinal purposes in Wadi Rum, our guide will point them out to you. After climbing up for around 30min – 45mins you will reach a flat area that gives spectacular views of Wadi Rum and on a clear day you can see far into the desert and many mountains one after another. Around 10mins further you will have your first site of Burdah Rock Bridge. It is a great feeling to see this different shape of Wadi Rum. The rock bridge is set over a canyon with a drop of over 100metres. When you walk over it you will need to take it seriously and be cautious to keep nicely balanced and walk in the middle of the bridge. It could be windy on the bridge so if you are wearing a hat it is advisable to take it of before you walk over. This bridge is not suitable for jumping photos and we suggest you walk over it in single file not in groups. On top of Burdah Rock bridge is a great feeling, that will be unique for each individual. After the group has all crossed the rock bridge safely we will begin our decent either taking the same route we ascended or a slightly more challenging way with different views if its suitable for the group and if the members of the group have previous hiking experience on sandstone.

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wadi rum desert jordan adventure tours wadi adventures wadi adventure prices

Bindas Bridge

Distance 200m Elevation 1097m

Location 36 R 0739624 UTM 3265770


Bindas Bridge Description: Its not large at all and is a strange shaped bridge in the desert, there are large mountains on either side and nearby Bindas will be our place for the BBQ lunch, salad and tea. Many tourists like to sit inside the bridge for a nice photo.

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wadi rum desert jordan adventure tours wadi adventures wadi adventure prices

Um fourth Rock Bridge

Distance 500m Elevation 1124m

Location 36 R 0737484 UTM 3262421


Um frouth Rock Bridge Description: This rock bridge is a popular destination for most jeep tours in Wadi Rum. Prior to Wadi Rum's inclusion as a World Heritage Site a family use to live here however nowadays its not suitable as their animals would be disturbed too much. The climb is steep but can be achieved by most tourists. It takes less than 5 minutes to reach the top. Its a very fun climb and decent. On top of the rock bridge itself the drop down is around 30metres. The bridge is wide and groups are able to stand on it together. It is possible to take a jumping photo here.

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Red Bridge in the White Desert

Distance 500m Elevation 936m

Location 36 R 0729539 UTM 3261976


Red Bridge in the White Desert Description: As the name suggests, yes this bridge is red. It is a great contrast of colours. You have a view of the white desert sand and sandstone mountains. It is a very quiet part of Wadi Rum Protected Area and a great place to finish your tour before you leave for your sunset viewing. There are several Nabataean inscriptions just below the bridge. It is a simple bridge to climb up and stand on top of. Also you can sit under the bridge and take a lovely photo here with your family or friends or walk further up the bridge to see a better higher view of the area.

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wadi rum desert jordan adventure tours wadi adventures wadi adventure prices

wadi rum desert jordan adventure tours wadi adventures wadi adventure prices

Price Details: 


1 Person 140JD

2-4 People 85 JD PER PERSON

5-8 People 75 JD PER PERSON

9+ People 65 JD PER PERSON

Included in the price:


-Bedouin guide, BBQ lunch with salad and tea (cooked nearby Bindas Bridge), drinking water and jeep transportation.

-Overnight stay in Wadi Rum Protected Area Camp with Bedouin BBQ Zarb dinner cooked under the sand with sides of salad, rice and vegetable dishes, breakfast, Bedouin tea and water

-Sunset and Sunrise viewing.

-Star gazing the galaxy at night



+ Camel Ride 15JD Rum Village to Lawrence of Arabia Spring


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Sabbah Zedane Al-zalabieh

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